Race Series & Competitions


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Run One, Run All

Experience the thrill of the Commanding Officer’s Semper Fit Race Series! This series offers a variety of unique races throughout the year. Earn points for your unit, the series is a part of the Commander's Na Koa Cup! New package pricing for timed runs now available!

Register on LeagueApps

Presented by

2025 CO Race Series
January 10 Moonlight Run 5K
February 1 Sunrise & Shining Sea 5K
March 8 Na Ali'i 5K/10K
April 12 Color Run for a Cause
May 9 Sunset Flightline 5K
May 31 Camp Smith Grueler
July 4 Runway Run 5K
August 2 Bellows Rucksack 12K Trail/Rucksack
September 13 & 14 Keiki and Adult Tradewind Triathlon
November 22 Turkey Trot 5K/10K
December 20 Jingle Bell Jog

Schedule subject to change. No USMC or DoD endorsement intended.

Easy Steps for Civilians to Register For A Race

For civilians without Base access, this must be completed 10 business days before the event.

  • 1. Click on the DBIDS hyperlink on the registration page
  • 2. Answer the DBIDS questions, (takes roughly 5-10 minutes)
  • 3. For Sponsor Information, list Conor Hannum, (808)254-7590, conor.hannum@usmc-mccs.org
  • 4. When finished, input your 6 digit code and your DOB into the registration page on LeagueApps under the question “Yes, I require base access and need to go through DBIDS”

Check in with our Marine Volunteer on Race day at the Front Gate parking lot, they will have a pass made out to you!

Moonlight Run 5K

Easy, breezy, beautiful run under the stars and Full Wolf Moon along the famous MCBH flight line. Unique, family-friendly 5k fun run.

Sunrise and Shining Sea 5K

A gorgeous sunrise run along the Pacific shoreline.

Na Ali`i 5K/10K

Are you Race Ready? Great test for the Hapalua with both 5k and 10k options!
View 10K Results
View 5K Results

Color Run for a Cause

A vibrant fun run, where every step helps raise awareness for important causes—let's make a colorful impact together!

Sunset Flightline 5K

Cool and scenic sunset run along the famous MCBH flight line.

Camp Smith Grueler

Conquer the scenic and challenging hills of Camp Smith.

Runway Run 5K

Uniquely patriotic way to kick off the 4th of July holiday. Enjoy a family-friendly morning 5K run along the famous MCBH flight line.

Bellows Rucksack Race

A beautiful and challenging 9k run through the fields and forests of the Marine Corps Training Area Bellows. A trail run with unique views of the Koolau and the option to run with/out a weighted rucksack.

Keiki & Adult Tradewind Triathlon

Sprint triathlons with a one-of-a-kind beautiful backdrop of the Koolau and Kaneohe Bay

Turkey Trot 5K/10K

Join fellow runners in this festive morning fun run to pre-burn off some holiday stuffing.

Jingle Bell Jog

Don your best holiday costumes and jingle all the way to the finish line in this merry Christmas fun run!

Contact Information and Resources
Race Series & Competitions


Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH)
Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii 96863

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