Family Readiness Adv & Asst Training

Youth Fitness (Ages 5-6)


Wednesday, September 18, 2024


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Marine Corps Family Team Building
2034 Barnett Ave
Second Floor
Quantico, VA 22134

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Family Readiness Advisor & Assistant/

PII/OPSEC Training


September 18 | 1-4 PM

Location: Little Hall, Second Floor, MCFTB Conference Room 202, Quantico, VA 22134

Advisor and Assistant Training
The roles and responsibilities of the Command Team Advisor focus on support, advocacy, and mentorship. The Family Readiness Assistants will compliment and support the Deployment Readiness Coordinators (DRC) or Uniformed Readiness Coordinators (URC) in the execution of the Commander’s vision and intent for family readiness. We will cover these roles and responsibilities and how these invaluable volunteers can enhance the effectiveness of the unit’s readiness program.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Operational Security (OPSEC) Overview Training is designed to orient and guide volunteers in their responsibilities to protect personally identifiable information (PII) within any volunteer position.

For additional information contact: MCFTB at or call 703.784.9422/9421.

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