Financial Education Action Point: Pre-Deployment

Wednesday, April 9, 2025Time
8:00 AM - 9:30 AMAddress
Bldg. 411, Rm. 117Marine & Family Programs
Bldg. 411
Rm. 117
The Personal Finance Management Program is offering Financial Education Action Points (FEAPs) to help service members and their families navigate key financial milestones. These training sessions meet MCO 1700.37 requirements and provide essential financial guidance for critical life and career transitions. Each session lasts approximately 90 minutes and includes open discussions and Q&A.
Upcoming Sessions
- Pre-Deployment – April 9
- Pre-Deployment – April 23
- Promotion – May 21
- Marriage – June 11
- Birth of First Child – June 25
- Divorce – July 9
- Continuation Pay – July 23
- First Duty Station (not PRS) – August 6
- Vesting in TSP – August 20
- Promotion – September 10
- Disabling Sickness or Condition – September 24
- Leadership Training – October 8
- Post-Deployment – November 19
Who Can Attend?
- Active Duty
- SOFA Status Personnel
- Civilians
- Dependents (No minimum age requirement)
These 12 essential financial touchpoints provide the knowledge and tools needed to make informed financial decisions during key moments such as PCS moves, deployment, and expanding your family.
Additional Training Opportunity:
PCS for Success is available most Thursdays at Sakura Theater through Family Readiness.
Take control of your financial future by attending sessions that fit your needs.
Registration coming soon.