Add LinkedIn to Your Job Search Toolkit!

As you are searching for a new job or starting your transition from active duty to civilian-land, you will probably use many different tools to search for your new career. One such tool is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is more than a social networking website; it is an opportunity for employment networking. How you use LinkedIn will be different than how you would use other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Develop a strong resume and LinkedIn profile
Ensure your LinkedIn profile is targeted to the field and types of jobs you would like to move into after you separate or retire. Want to know how? Meet with Transition Readiness staff at your installation. (Veterans, take note: LinkedIn offers a free 1-year Job Seeker subscription to Veterans.)
When you are developing your LinkedIn profile, remember LinkedIn is not a “social” social media website. It is a professional networking social media website. Have a professional picture. You do not necessarily need to go out and have professional pictures taken, but you should be in a professional setting. Your postings should revolve around professional topics; leave the “social” aspect to other, more appropriate, venues such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Follow LinkedIn company pages
…such as the Marine For Life Network to learn about job postings, upcoming career fairs, tips, articles, and links pertinent to your job search. Often, companies will post opportunities directly on LinkedIn through their company pages.
An organization’s LinkedIn company page is a great place to start your research for potential employers. Make sure you review it prior to an interview.
Join LinkedIn groups pertinent to your situation
…such as the Marine For Life Network National or Regional groups and desired job field and become active in those groups. There are many networking opportunities that you can find through Marine For Life’s national and regional group pages. You will be able to find employers, recruiters, and other Marines in the groups. When joining a group, you should begin by introducing yourself to the group. This is a networking opportunity and the rest of the group will want to know what you have to offer, not just what you will take away. You should bring value to the group and be prepared to interact with others. Remember, you are networking and people are looking at your online presence and deciding if they want to work with you. Make a good impression with your future coworkers or employer. The Marine For Life Network groups all include a Jobs tab where employers who are part of the network post job openings. Check them out!
Search for jobs on LinkedIn
Many employers use LinkedIn to post their open positions, and LinkedIn will send you information on jobs that may match your experience and that you have shown interest in the past. You can apply for those jobs through LinkedIn, where the recruiter can visit your profile (make sure it is up-to-date and professional), and offer you an interview. You should follow the company that you are applying to, in order to understand their mission and culture. Companies like to know that you know and follow them on LinkedIn.
Interested in more information about developing your LinkedIn profile? Check out other articles on LinkedIn.
Still searching for more in-depth assistance regarding your job search? Contact your installation’s Transition Readiness and Family Member Employment Assistance staff and ask the Marine For Life Network on LinkedIn. You can also check out Marine for Life on Facebook.