EFMP Helps Families Set Goals to Ensure Successful Life Changes

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is designed to support families with special needs throughout any life change: deployment, PCS, new diagnosis, retirement, permanent dependency planning and more. Throughout each of these transitions, partnerships between EFMP Family Support Staff and families, capitalize on the importance of goal setting to ensure optimal success.
To identify and support your needs, EFMP Family Support Staff will assist in brainstorming and outlining an appropriate plan for achievement through a Family Needs Assessment. Then, based on your family’s goals, your EFMP team will strategize actionable items and provide takeaways for your family as you navigate life changes.
Your needs are never too big or too small to tackle. Share as much information as you are comfortable sharing with the EFMP Family Support staff and they will assist in connecting you with resources.
For more information on needs assessments and planning, visit: EFMP Family Needs Assessment, DD Form 3054 | Military OneSource.