Libraries Lead the Way for National Library Week

First sponsored in 1958, National Library week is a nationwide celebration sponsored by the American Library Association and libraries across the United States each year in April.
This year, the National Library Week theme is "Libraries Lead." Throughout the month of April, MCCS Libraries will be offering a number of programs and events for all ages to celebrate National Library Week, such as spirit days, game nights, special readings, and more. Check with your local installation library for a listing of programs available.
MCCS Libraries already lead the way by offering Marines and families the most current books and DVDs to check out, as well as a variety of unique items such as sewing machines, musical instruments, telescopes, and cake pans. MCCS Libraries also offer patrons the opportunity to learn how to design for a 3-D printer or pursue a creative outlet such as knitting and jewelry making.
MCCS Libraries regularly expand their selection of virtual resources available 24/7. These resources include research databases and online encyclopedia for all education levels; foreign language lessons, online test preparation and online tutoring; digital magazines, eBooks and audiobooks for download; self-improvement classes and streaming music concerts. To access the virtual resources from any Internet connected device, visit your installation library to register for a library account. Remotely stationed Marines and families with no access to an installation MCCS Library should email Include name, rank (or USMC affiliation) and duty station in your request for virtual access.
Want to support your installation’s library during National Library Week? The best way to show your support is to come to our programs, get a library card, check out materials, and access our virtual resources. To find your installation library, visit the Virtual Library page.