Marines: Always Faithful, On and Off the Battlefield

Marines: Always Faithful, On and Off the Battlefield

Whether it's sexual assault, alcohol misuse, suicidal ideations, retaliation, or some other high-risk situation, Marines always have a duty to intervene and help each other. That's the message of the Marine Corps Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program's most recent PSA, released on 17 February 2016. 

The video features a Non-Commissioned Officer who, when he saw that a fellow Marine needed help, instinctively acted according to the values drilled into him in boot camp: Honor. Courage. Commitment. He recognizes that his time in boot camp taught him that Marines remain faithful to each other on and off the battlefield, protecting one another and standing up for what's right. As a result, when he observed a dangerous situation, he stepped in to help his brother.  

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For more information on the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program, click here.

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