Mental Health Needs of Children, Youth, and Young Adults in Military Families

USMC’s Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is collaborating with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the U.S. Department of Defense and the Defense Health Agency, to explore evidence-based strategies to address the mental health needs of children, youth, and young adults in military families.
The webisode will be live-streamed on April 3, 2018, from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (ET). You can watch the live stream on MCCS Forward. Viewers can ask questions of guest panelists via the live webcast portal or Twitter using the hashtag #KSOCTV.
Jen Stewart, Program Manager, EFMP, USMC Marine and Family Programs, participated in the production of the webisode and will be on hand the day of the live stream to assist responding to audience questions.
Panelist for the webisode include:
- CAPT Ed D. Simmer USN, DHA, Director, TriCare Health Plan
- Rachel Conley, Military Parent/US Coast Guard Ombudsmen
- Gary Blau, Ph.D, Chief of the Child, Adolescent, and Family Branch, SAMSHA
- Kathryn Power, M.Ed., Acting Director, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, SAMHSA, and military family member.
Mark your calendars for April 3rd and participate in this livestream webisode event.