Research the Organization Prior to Your Interview

You’ve heard that you need research the company before you have a job interview, but perhaps you’re not quite sure on why.
Doing research on the organization with which you have a job interview allows you to do a better job of communicating how your qualifications and competencies match the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of the job and allow you to better show how you will fit into the corporate culture.
If you know that the company you’re interviewing with values innovation, you’d want to emphasize the ways you contributed new ideas, growth. If they value tradition, you might emphasize other aspects of your experience.
Consider the following topics as you research companies or organizations with which you have an interview:
- History
- Mission
- Goals
- Vision
- Strategic initiatives such as research and development programs
- Special recognition
- Products and services
- Marketing and distribution methods
- Financial or other performance indicators (e.g., company, annual report)
- Growth plans
- Structure
- Location
- Quality-of-work factors and employee benefits
- Corporate leaders
- Any and all details on the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of existing positions
Where should you go to conduct this research?
- Organization website, LinkedIn company page, brochures, and annual reports
- People who work for the organization
- Installation, Career Resource Center and local libraries
- Magazines and journals
Still searching for more in-depth assistance with interviewing? Check out’s video tutorials Researching companies and Making a first impression, and contact your installation’s Transition Readiness and Family Member Employment Assistance staff and ask the Marine For Life Network on LinkedIn.
Adapted from the Interview Techniques course.
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