Self-monitoring Technology for Nutrition

Self-monitoring Technology for Nutrition

Self-monitoring nutrition technology are tools used to support optimal fueling for performance and weight regulation. You have probably seen some of these tools on social media and consist of the following:  

Metabolism Trackers  

Provide awareness on how your body uses energy based on the food consumed, they are most appropriate for those who want to learn more about their general health and how your metabolism is connected to your body.  

Examples of metabolism trackers include such as Lumen, Aria Air Scale, Levl, and Biosense.   

The technology is fairly new and still undergoing research regarding accuracy. The apps mentioned in this article are provided for 
informational purposes only, and do not imply Department of Defense (DoD) or United States Marine Corps endorsement. Always use caution with any application, read carefully, and know if a fee is associated. 

Artificial Intelligence Nutrition Applications  

Artificial intelligence nutrition apps allow users to log foods eaten using a single photo, use chatbots to enter meals using voice, or ask questions to get real-time responses. Partnerships between health organizations allow some applications to access medical information to make personalized dietary recommendations. 

Examples of nutrition monitoring applications that allow for voice and photo analysis include MyFitnessPal, SnapCalories, and Lose It, and they have all incorporated a meal-scanning function that uses photo recognition. Most apps use a depth sensor on a mobile phone’s camera to estimate portion sizes. 

Conversational artificial intelligence chatbots allow users to ask questions about diet-specific nutrition information. For example, when using SnapCalories, you can ask, “What foods should I eat more when recovering from a serious injury or open wound?”  and the chatbot will respond by saying, “SnapCalorie recommends more protein from lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes and foods rich in vitamin C and zinc, such as citrus fruits, berries, bell peppers, and nuts and speak with a healthcare provider.” 

Key Takeaways 

Using technology for self-monitoring of weight, dietary intake, and physical activity is an effective tool for implementing nutritional behavioral changes. 

The science and technology regarding nutrition monitoring tools are constantly changing, and real-time feedback assists with increased awareness of personal nutrition and exercise behaviors and their impact on achieving health goals. 

Speak with your installation Semper Fit performance dietitian or consult your personal health care provider for more information or education regarding available nutrition monitoring applications and devices. 

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