This Checklist Will Make School Registration a Breeze

It’s moving season! You’ve received your orders and have made arrangements with Defense Personal Property System (DPS) to have your household items shipped to your new home. You’re all set to move, right? Wrong.
One of the most important things you can do during PCS is to ensure a smooth transition for your child as they switch schools. Follow this checklist from the School Liaison Program and you’ll have everything you need to make your child’s school registration go smoothly.
To Do:
- Let the school know that your child is leaving. Give at least two weeks’ notice
- Request official documents from the school. These may include transcripts, report cards, withdrawal grades or progress reports, test scores (standardized or special program testing, etc) and your child’s current schedule. The school should also send a copy of your child’s Cumulative Folder to his new school
- Find out the latest date your child can check out of school and still receive full credit
- Ask whether a child can complete credits after he has left the school district
- Request schoolwork that your child can complete to keep up his studies during the transfer
Information You Need:
- School contact information (Address, phone number, website URL)
- Course description book and grading scale
- School handbook
- Copy of cover or title page for each textbook
- Personal documents (student’s birth certificate, social security number, health record, proof of residency/military orders, and legal documents as needed)
*Moving Tip* Carry all important documents with you when you travel. DO NOT pack them with the rest of your household items.
For more tips on how to make your child’s next transition a smooth one, click here.
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