SECO Assists Military Spouses with Education and Career Goals

If you’re a spouse looking for career or education guidance, MySECO and their Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) career coaches can provide online assistance. The SECO program offers a range of self-assessments to help you learn more about yourself and the careers that might interest you. Self-assessments can also help you understand your current skills and how they may apply to your career goals.
Here are some examples of the self-assessments that are available:
Traitify Personality Assessment
- Traitify, a visual personality assessment, helps you understand how your qualities and passions relate to potential careers by recommending career options based on your interests, aptitudes, and education level. This assessment only takes about 90 seconds to complete and can help you explore a meaningful career in a field that matches your interests and skills.
- Consider the Entrepreneur EDGE™ assessment to see if you have what it takes to own your own business. Contact a SECO career coach by calling Military OneSource at 800-342-9647 and receive your pass to take this 90-question online assessment. Upon completion, you will receive a personalized report to inform your decision about whether entrepreneurship is right for you.
- Determine your personality type with Myers-Briggs, which may help with career planning, relationships, education pursuits, learning, and more.
- Finding a career you are passionate about just got a bit easier. Take the O*NET Interest Profiler assessment to match your core job interests with potential careers.
Interested in career or education assessment assistance face-to-face? The Family Member Employment Assistance Program (FMEAP) is here to help with assessments and much more. Connect with your local FMEAP office today!