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Comfort and Joy: MCCS Christmas Dinner Brings Cheer to Young Marines Far From Home
Each year the MCCS Lejeune-New River Single Marine Program (SMP) tries to provide the comforts of home and a warm embrace to single service members and geo-bachelors who can’t make it home for Christmas. This year was no different. Nearly 700 meals were served with love across Lejeune-New River SMP Recreation Centers. Service members were able to enjoy a traditional meal, festive music, fun games with lots of laughs and prizes and even the big man himself dropped by to spread cheer!
"MCCS understands that the holidays can be difficult, lonely times for our Marines and Sailors as they are separated from their loved ones, said Jolyne Agramonte, SMP Branch Head. “Bringing these young men and women out of the barracks on Christmas day to enjoy food, community, and activities is more than a celebration; it’s a heartfelt embrace. These events create a feeling of family, joy, and togetherness that resonates with the camaraderie and deep appreciation we have for our service men and women,” Agramonte said. 
LCPL Garcia, a young Marine far from home, expressed sincere gratitude, saying with a big smile, “It’s really nice to come to the Rec Center to eat and relax.”
“It’s partially through the generosity of our SMP sponsors that we can provide the level of festivities we do. With their compassionate efforts, along with MCCS Lejeune-New River Single Marine Program staff, we were able to bring a little bit of home to those in attendance,” Agramonte said.
SMP is already planning for next year to continue their mission to serve as the voice for single, unaccompanied Marines and any other single active duty servicemember in identifying quality of life (QOL) concerns), developing QOL initiatives, and providing recommendations through advocacy, recreational activities, special events, and community involvement.
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