So What is FMEAP?

So What is FMEAP?

Rebecca Dreier, Family Member Employment Assistance Program staff member at MCRD Parris Island and spouse of a Veteran Marine, knows the value of FMEAP.

She says, “As a spouse, I never took the time to learn about all the programs offered by MCCS. By the time I did, it was almost too late to utilize some of the programs and resources available to me. Getting connected to just one program opens the doors to the abundance of support and knowledge from all the others.” Rebecca would like all Marine Corps spouses to know what resources are available for their use.

Let’s start with FMEAP. (For the unfamiliar, that sounds like “fuh-meep”.) We hear you thinking, “great, another unpronounceable acronym,” but bear with us. The Family Member Employment Assistance Program is more than just another acronym to learn in the Military lifestyle.

Rebecca shared she that didn’t know about FMEAP until her husband’s last year in service. “Now knowing of all the things I missed out on, it pains me to know other spouses may not be taking advantage of them as well,” she said.

What are those things? Well, let’s start a list:

  •  Resume Writing
  • Interviewing Techniques
  • Career Decision classes
  • A person willing to help Marine spouses one on one with any questions that came with finding employment at our new duty station

According to Rebecca, taking advantage of these resources “would have taken months off of my job search.”  She continues, “Looking back now on what I originally had as my resume, I feel ashamed. It is always hard to talk about yourself and put all of your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) on paper to begin with, but I didn’t give myself credit for so many skills that I had gained over the years, or any of my volunteer work I was so proud of. FMEAP Specialists help with building your resume and work with you to make sure the best of you is represented, and formatted into something you can proudly hand to any employer.”

These are just some of the useful services that FMEAP provides, let alone all the other classes and workshops other programs within MCCS have to offer. Rebecca shares that with FMEAP, “In hindsight, I would have not been so scared to take advantage of the many ways MCCS aids to help Spouses navigate the Military lifestyle.”

Still searching for more in-depth assistance with your job search? Contact your installation’s Family Member Employment Assistance Program staff (like Rebecca!).

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