Tips to Help You Get Through the Holidays During Deployment
Last Updated: 02 Feb 2021

Tis the season to be jolly! Your Marine is deployed and it seems as if everyone is counting on you to keep the holiday blues away. If you feel as though you’ve run out of ideas, here are a few tips to get you and your family back into the holiday spirit.
- Plan dinner with friends or extended family. It’s a perfect time to catch up with one another and try new recipes.
- Look to close friends and family to help you through the deployment if you are feeling lonely. Good laughter and cheer always helps when you are separated from your spouse.
- Consider doing something as a family for your Marine such as assembling a care package with holiday goodies, taking photos of the celebration and festivities, or making plans to celebrate the holidays when your Marine returns.
- Celebrating the holidays by giving back can be emotionally and spiritually rewarding. Get involved in volunteer opportunities in your community. Volunteer to organize an Angel tree at your local school or church, arrange a group to serve a meal a few weeks after the holidays, or sing carols at a local nursing home.
Always remember – whatever you decide to do, give yourself permission to enjoy the holidays even if your Marine is deployed. Your Marine would want you to make the most out of this special time of year.
To learn more tips for getting through a deployment successfully, contact your local Marine Corps Family Team Building office.