Healthy Relationship Foundations - START HERE
Strong relationships start with a solid foundation. Whether it’s with your partner, family, or fr...
What it Means to Consent to Sex
When it comes to sexual relationships, consent is a must. But what exactly is consent in that con...
Support Peers By Checking in Post Leave
Creating connections with your fellow Marines fosters relationships that contribute to a positive...
Supporting a Friend after Sexual Assault
The Do’s and Don’ts to support a friend after sexual assault.
Reporting Sexual Assault: Know Your Options
Support and resources are available to you and your family when it comes to reporting a sexual as...
SAPR Provides Support to Those Affected by Sexual Assault
Learn about the resources available to help with reporting and assisting those who have experienc...
Connections Count When Healing From Sexual Assault
Building, maintaining, and sustaining social connections and relationships not only help rebuild ...
Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month
Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM) is recognized every April by raising public...
DoD Safe Helpline Offers Confidential Support for Individuals Affected By Sexual Assault
The DoD Safe Helpline is the sole secure, confidential, and anonymous crisis support service spec...
SARC of the Year Award Winner
Congratulations to Maj Sharon L. Rollins, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command (MARFORCYBE...
April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month
April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM). SAAPM aims to educate communities...