Marine Corps Birthday Ball: Etiquette Do's & Dont's

The Birthday Ball is one of the biggest events on the Marine Corps calendar. It is a chance to get dressed to the nines, enjoy an evening of tradition, and celebrate the history of the Corps.
As the Ball is a formal affair both Marines and guests are expected to behave appropriately and follow rules of proper etiquette. If you are attending the Marine Corps Ball for the first time you are sure to have many questions running through your mind. What should you wear? How should you behave? What does ‘proper etiquette’ mean anyway?
Now that you know the Do’s and Don’ts of Marine Corps Ball etiquette it’s time to put on your best (appropriate) outfit and attend your local Birthday Ball. It is sure to be a night to remember. If you have more questions about Ball Etiquette or just want to learn more about Marine Corps culture, contact your local L.I.N.K.S. office. L.I.N.K.S. offers acculturation classes to help you adjust to life in the Corps and at your local installation. Courses are available to spouses, Marines, children and other family members. Click here to discover what courses are available near you.