Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program



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Preparing Family Readiness Command Team members

The Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program (UPFRP) Training covers unit requirements, outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Family Readiness Command Team members, and provides information about funding, available resources, and successful implementation of the UPFRP.

Family Readiness Command Team Training

The required Family Readiness Command Team Training (FRCTT) is available as part of the Executive Brief given to Commanding Officer’s within 60 days of assuming command and includes the unit XO, SgtMaj/SEA, Single Marine and Sailor Representative, the URC, the DRC (when applicable), Chaplain, and all appointed volunteers (optional). An Executive Brief Agreement Form is required at MCB Hawaii to effectively facilitate a successful brief. Family Readiness Command Team (FRCT) members (XO, SgtMaj/SEA, SMSPR, URC, DRC) that join the command after the Executive Brief must complete the one-hour Family Readiness Command Team Training (FRCTT) Overview. FRCTT topics include an overview of the UPFRP, details of the roles of each member of the FRCT, CG inspection requirements and guidance, communication and deployment requirements, funding allocation details, and a discussion of suggested implementations of the UPFRP .

Deployment & Uniformed Readiness Coordinator Training

Family Readiness Coordinator Training (FRCT) familiarizes the designated URC or newly hired DRC with their role, responsibility, available resources, administration, communication, CG inspection requirements, and operating components within the Unit, Personal, and Family Readiness Program. This is a required training for all designated URCs and Assistant URCs and newly hired DRCs (MCO 1754.9B) and fulfills the additional requirement of the FRCTT Overview within the course.

Family Readiness Command Team Advisor and Assistant Training

This training guides Family Readiness Command Team Advisors (FRCTA), Family Readiness Assistants (FRA) in their roles and responsibilities within the Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program. Those in attendance will discuss confidentiality, communication, resources, and mentorship in an open format. This is a required training for command-appointed volunteers and includes the required PII & OPSEC training (MCO 1754.9B).

Contact Information and Resources
Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program (UPFRP) Training

Phone: 8084962657

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Hours of operation:

Office Hours
Monday 0800-1630
Tuesday 0800-1630
Wednesday 0800-1630
Thursday 0800-1630
Friday 0800-1630
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Holiday hours may vary.
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