Spouse Preference Program
/careers/spouse-preference-programSpouses take advantage of the Spouse Preference Program If youre a military spouse you may be eligible to apply using a noncompetitive process designed to help you get a job in the federal government Spouse Preference Form Types of Employment Regular fulltime 3540 hours per week Regular parttime 2034 hours per week Flexible 040 hours per week Military Spouse Preference applicants hired in a flexible position or a regular position with a timelimited appointment will not lose their spo...
/display/kgBreakfast Menu link hrefhttpscdnjsdelivrnetnpmbootstrap502distcssbootstrapmincss relstylesheet integritysha384EVSTQN3azprG1Anm3QDgpJLIm9Nao0Yz1ztcQTwFspd3yD65VohhpuuCOmLASjC crossoriginanonymous link hrefhttpsfontsgoogleapiscomcss2familyGloockfamilyGrechenFuemenfamilyPTSerifwght700displayswap relstylesheet html body height 100 margin 0px backgroundcolor rgb255 255 255...
In-demand Jobs
/careers/in-demand-jobsimport urlhttpsfontsgoogleapiscomcss2familyGloock hirowicons display flex flexdirection row flexwrap wrap marginleft auto marginright auto maxwidth 700px hirowicon flexgrow 1 fontsize small minwidth 100px hirowicon img maxwidth 35px headercard backgroundimage lineargra...
/privacyPrivacy and Security Notice The Marine Corps Community Services MCCS website is provided as a public service by the Business and Support Services Division Manpower and Reserve Affairs Department Headquarters United States Marine Corps Information presented on this service not identified as protected by copyright is considered public information and may be distributed or copied Use of appropriate byline photo and image credits is requested For site management information is collected for stati...
Work with MCCS
/careers/work-with-mccsp classdisplay4 textlight style maxwidth 700px texttransform uppercase fontfamily Gloock serif About MCCS Hawaii div style display flex flexdirection row alignitems center flexgrow 1 flexwrap wrap a classbtn btnprimary mt2 mb4 hrefht...
/recreation-fitness/poolsp classdisplay4 textlight style maxwidth 700px texttransform uppercase fontfamily Gloock serif Pools a classbtn btnprimary mt2 mb4 hrefhttpslodgingreservationsusmcmccsorgobookings3SearchIndex1352190 stylemarginright 10px targetblankMake a Reservation or a hreftel8082542806 stylecolor white textdecorat...
About Us
/about/about-usAloha and welcome to Marine Corps Community Services MCCS Hawaii We proudly serve the Marines Sailors and their ohana family stationed on the beautiful Hawaiian Islands MCCS Hawaii is a comprehensive set of programs that support and enhance the operational readiness warfighting capabilities and life quality of Marines their families retirees and civilians From recreation family support and essential services to community events and cultural programs we are here to ensure that our Marine commun...